employer portal
"Helped us think about areas of continuous improvement."
"Super straightforward to identify opportunity, trends and how we are progressing."
"Provided good ideas for future development of our offering."

The Careers & Enterprise Company

The Careers & Enterprise Company is the national body for careers education in England, supporting schools , special schools and colleges to deliver modern, 21st century careers education. Our mission is to help every young person find their best next step.

Our work includes:

  • Training and supporting Careers Leaders
  • Bringing employers, educators, and providers together through our network of Careers Hubs
  • Sharing practical digital tools and resources

Our journey to developing the Employer Standards:

Employer Standards is a free framework and tool created to answer the commonly asked question by employers to CEC: How do I know that we're effectively engaging with education?

It aims to help businesses think about and plan up-front what they want to achieve from engaging with education:

  • Providing a clear outline of the key factors determining quality careers education outreach.
  • Enabling businesses to confidently assess their performance against national, sector and regional averages.
  • Providing inspirational case studies from other businesses and resources to improve the quality of careers education outreach.
  • Aligning the quality of careers education outreach with the business' objectives.
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